Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Night (High)Lights

You wouldn't be able to tell from this sweet picture of him sleeping, but this little boy from our feeding program was inappropriately putting his hand down my shirt and head butting me 5 minutes earlier. I love how God seems to always have me befriend the biggest trouble makers. It just makes moment like these that much more precious...probably because it happens so rarely! :)It was hard to wake him up, but once he was up...he was ready to eat!!
I went to visit the girls home and had a lot of fun with Oline, Yudelka, Baby Estaline, Katrina, and Cendy.
Daphne tried to braid my hair. It was sweet, but pretty painful. Gentleness is a little hard to find here...don't think it's in their vocabulary. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess..Good luck to you in Haiti.
    Greetings from Malaysia ..
    Have a nice day...
