Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What?! No Meltdowns Today! :)

Okay, so I'll just be honest. The teachers and I have been really frustrated with the kids' behavior as a whole. Lots of defiance and disrespect, but we're persevering and praying for God's wisdom. Yesterday, I felt like I had no patience for my little Richard as he was constantly trying to be rude and get under everyone's skin. This led to many trips to sit by himself in a neighboring room. At one point in class yesterday, I had asked him to stop talking. I was really quiet and Oline asked, "Are you sad?" I said, "No, just tired." "Tired of Richard talking huh?" she said. Which was hilarious, but I said, "No, just tired." Then Richard mumbled in Creole, "Yeah right, she's never tired. She's never tired when she's punishing me!" Haha, yes! It's good to know he knows I will stand my ground and he can't tire me out with his behavior. It was quite encouraging because I know there will be less testing and hopefully more obedience as he knows there will always be a follow through with what I say.

Then today he ran into my classroom 15 minutes early as I was setting up with an eager smile on his face. He said he rushed over so he wouldn't be late to school. (It's always great to see him smile so early in the morning...a big sign that he's chosen to make it a good day). I told him we would be planting today and that he'd get to pick which seed he wanted to plant. He was so excited and when the other kids joined class, he quickly told them about our project for the day. We started off with prayer and Richard, for once, had a prayer request. He wanted to pray for the older kids who were graduating. He even wanted to pray first!! So awesome!!! Then we read the parable of the sower in Luke 8. I got to take them outside our school gates and observe the rocky roads, the weeds and thorns, and the good soil with fruitful trees. For three kids who constantly had meltdowns every time I mentioned the word science, they were so intrigued and involved. During the time of sowing our seeds, Richard decided to plant sweet pea flowers, Oline planted lavender seeds, and MarcKendy sowed another type of flower that I can't recall at the moment. They were bummed I didn't have apple seeds so I told them I'd look for apples when I got home and would bring the seeds for them tomorrow. Anywho...they were so great the rest of the day. We worked on spelling, place value in math, and had a time of watching Planet Earth. Their amazement with creation was just precious. Seriously, to get through a day without having any major meltdowns, no hissy fits, no talking back, no kids having to stay for dentention....ahhhh...it was such a glorious gift from God! To top it all off, Richard returned to elective class in the afternoon with two apple seeds in hand that he got from home. :) For a boy who last week told me he wanted me to go home already, I think he's realizing I'm not going anywhere and I'm still gonna love him no matter what he does. This love requires much much discipline, patience, and strength through Christ, but I think he might be starting to believe that this love is genuine. Tomorrow's another day, but I'm enjoying this wonderful day as long as I can.

Thanks for the prayers saints! God is constantly making me aware of you faithful prayers warriors and I am ever so grateful for ya'll!!!


  1. Wow, Jess. What a great story of breakthrough.

    Then David said, “God has broken through my enemies by my hand like a breakthrough of water.”
    1 Ch 14:11).

  2. Just got caught up on your blogging! So great to know how to pray. You are doing an incredible job of allowing the Lord to work through you!! I am so blessed to hear your stories!

    Love, Alicia
