Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hamburger Helper

What do you get when you combine Bieber music, hamburgers, and a whole lotta people that have been working way too hard....a pretty rockin party! ;) This last trip I spent a lot of time at the Transition Program Center, helping clean and set up the sewing program. It was clear to see that the staff and graduates had been working their tushies off and I wanted to bless them by cooking a special dinner for them at the transition program house. So myself and Avary (a wonderful angel helping build up our sewing program for the summer) made plans to make hamburgers and also teach some of the kids how to make chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

Israel, Willy B, Mikerline, Junior, Walgens, Emilien and two of their friends who have also been working at the transition program center, Emmanuel and Kesley, came to the dinner party. The transition program staff members and other interns came too! We had Haitian spaghetti (made by our lovely guest house cooks--Janette and Venise), chips, soda, and everything set out to make your own hamburgers; patties, buns, veggies and condiments. Chocolate chip cookies were a-cookin in the oven, the house smelled delicious, so we joyously prayed a blessing over the food and told the kids to line up to get their dinner.

Matt and David were pouring soda for everyone when they looked up and saw that every one of the children had their hamburger contents laid out all over their plates separately...a piece of bread here, the patty there, one piece of lettuce here, a piece of onion there. It was so cute! I had totally assumed that since most of them had eaten hamburgers at Epidor, a local food court, they would know how to make one themselves. Assumption wrong. Matt asked them, "Wait, do you guys know how to make a hamburger?" Walgens kind of smirked and laughed and confessed, "No!! I need help!" So we proceeded with little lessons on making hamburgers.

The night was wonderful!! We ate delicious food and had a lot leftover. We even got to invite in two of some of my favorite neighborhood kids, Dupren and SonSon, who were standing outside of our gate. Take a look at how the rest of the night was spent...

Dancing, lotsa dancing. Here I am with Junior :)

Dancing with Walgens :)

Willy B got in on the fun too! :)

And playing cards....the losers had to eat the plate of cookies! I don't know how that's a punishment, but I thought it was hilarious that Walgens was dreading having to eat the cookies that HE made! :)

Here's a little video from the night. :)