Thursday, July 22, 2010

Spiritual Battle

So two nights ago I had a super gnarly spiritual attack in the middle of the night. I was in and out of sleep, but I woke up to feeling like someone was pinning me down on my shoulders and chest with their hand over my mouth. I could feel it down all the way to my throat...just an oppressing spirit. I couldn't get up, I couldn't speak. In my mind I was repeating scripture of God's sovereignty, His might, and His authority. I was praying that God would bind up these evil spirits and that His holy angels would come down and release me. I prayed for God's Spirit to come like a rushing wind. It had been a few minutes and I kept struggling to talk and get up. It was scary and creepy, but I had confidence in God that He is so much stronger. After a while, it lifted and I immediately became aware of the bondage of Voodoo in Haiti. I prayed for God to break those chains and went back to sleep in God's peace.

Today, however, one of my students randomly told me (with no prompting from me) that two of the boys from the orphanage had similar experiences this week. He explained, "Devils were holding them down in their sleep." Knowing that the missionaries, the MdL workers, and orphans are battling for souls for God's kingdom, I understand that in the spiritual realm, there is a gnarly battle going on. The kingdom of darkness is threatened and is trying to fight for those same souls. Please keep praying for us all...that we'd be protected and have confidence in God's might....that we'd endure hardship and wouldn't grow weary in battle. God is so much stronger and has great things in store for Child Hope and Haiti!


  1. praying for you guys, Jessica! Anderson told me before we left that they see demons all the time... there is a definite battle going on. praying for Richard too! something has a strong hold on him, but God is able! missing you guys!

  2. Missing you too girl. Thanks for your faithful prayers. Yeah, I know God is gonna do great things for Richard. I'm believing on my God who is mighty to save!
